This Isn’t the Blog We Intended To Post Today Paris Attacks

Today we were going to post a blog about herbal DIY gift ideas.
And then the breaking news headline flashed across our screens and we took pause- yet again. As we’re still reeling from the attacks in Paris, processing yesterday’s news and reading an article saying there have been 355 mass shootings in this country this year. As our beautiful state of Colorado is shaken from the mass shootings here, the recent attack in Colorado Springs and a neighborhood near our warehouse on lockdown yesterday afternoon.
Sharing a blog about herbal gift ideas just doesn’t seem right today. Instead we hope you’ll turn off your computer to go spend time with people you love. Hug someone, show kindness to a stranger, let’s not let fear and evil win.
Pray, send good energy out, send comfort to those who need it in whatever way aligns with your beliefs. We hope you’ll find someone to talk to if you need comfort. We hope you’ll share stories with us of something positive you’ve done lately. One of our intentions at Birds and Bees is to help spread joy and love – we hope you’ll join us!
To get you started we hope you’ll share a cup of Inner Peace tea with someone. Make it for a neighbor, get disposable cups and brew some for the crossing guard or man on the street corner, take some time for you to unwind and discover what brings you joy. Use the code innerpeace for 20% off our Inner Peace blend.
Share with us in the comments and on our Facebook page what you’ve been doing to spread joy and love. Even the smallest things make a big difference.
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